Certified workplace of the Institute of Neuro-Developmental Therapy and Stimulation

Neuro-Developmental Stimulation

 Program for the elimination of primary reflexes for children aged 4 and above

About the program

One of the causes of various children's learning and behavioral disorders, speech impediments, issues with fine and gross motor skills, or extreme emotional instability, etc., may be the insufficient suppression of primary reflexes. motorikou nebo například extrémní psychickou labilitou, atd. může být nedostatečné potlačení primárních reflexů. 
Primary reflexes assist the child during birth and in the first months of life. Gradually, they integrate into postural reflexes, allowing the child to gain control over their body movements, balance, body posture, coordination, and overall physical and emotional well-being. If, during this time, primary reflexes are not suppressed, they remain 'active' in the body. This can cause issues for the child in learning, attention, impulse control, behavior, communication, gross and fine motor skills, etc. 

Persistent primary reflexes can manifest external symptoms that resemble the manifestations of various learning or behavioral disorders. 

"It is quite possible, therefore, that a child who is considered dyslexic or a child with attention issues may exhibit symptoms whose cause may be attributed to the persistence of primary reflexes. By eliminating primary reflexes, we can also eliminate the symptoms, and thus address the child's issue." 

How does everything proceed?

Before starting Neuro-Developmental Stimulation, I familiarize myself with the child's medical history and conduct a diagnosis of persistent primary reflexes. The initial examination takes approximately 2 hours. Based on the diagnosis, I will introduce you to a specific exercise plan for your child to practice at home – I will demonstrate all exercises, and the child will try them under my supervision. 

The tests and exercises are based on the child's psychomotor development. The program is divided into 30 weeks but can be practiced for a longer duration. The exercises are done every school day and must be performed in a specific order. The exercise routine takes about 10-15 minutes. Regular exercise helps eliminate persistent primary reflexes, which can cause various difficulties such as learning disorders, ADHD, speech impediments, dyspraxia, and more. 

Jednou za měsíc nebo jinak ( po domluvě podle potřeby Vás a dítěte ) se setkáváme na konzultaci, při které sleduji, jak dítě cvik zvládá a naučím Vás další sérii cviků.

Thanks to Neuro-Developmental Stimulation, we will improve the connection between the brain and the body, the connection between individual centers in the brain, and the connection between both brain hemispheres. This will enable the child to alleviate or eliminate learning, concentration, and behavioral problems, allowing them to fully utilize their natural potential.

Who is the program designed for?

  • For all children as a prevention – improvement of body posture, strengthening of deep trunk muscles, stretching, etc. 
  • For children with ADHD
  • For children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • For children with body posture issues
  • For children with extreme emotional instability
  • For children with sensitivity to light and/or sounds
  • For children with learning difficulties ( reading and/or writing)
  • For children with coordination problems 
  • For children with speech and articulation problems
  • For children with concentration problems
  • For children with fine motor skill problems
  • For children with gross motor skill problems
  • and others