Jmenuji se Petra Ibrahimová
I'm a special educator, therapist, and instructor providing my services in the comfort of your home.

Dovolte mi říct Vám něco o sobě. Vystudovala jsem vysokoškolský obor Speciální pedagogika se státní závěrečnou zkouškou z pedagogiky, speciální pedagogiky, etopedie a psychologie. Státní zkoušku mám také z anglického jazyka. Své vzdělání dále rozšiřuji a nyní studuji magisterský obor Pedagogika se specializací  Diagnostika a pedagogická terapie. Kromě toho se průběžně účastním  tématických seminářů a školení.

I am a certified instructor trained in courses and seminars accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the deepening of professional qualifications –

Neuro – Developmental Stimulation (PhDr. Marja Volemanová, Ph.D.)

Development of language abilities according to D.B. Elkonin (Charles University)

Metoda MIU (ATC methods for personal development)

Kupoz / Kuprev ( Mgr.Barbora Krankusová )

HYPO ( Mgr.Zdenka Michalová,Ph.D. )

ROPRATEM ( Mgr. Iva Kopecká a Mgr. Dagmar Žeňková )

 Crawling – the basis of graphomotor skills ( Mudr.Věra Kleplová)

Development of speech and phonological awareness / Development of graphomotor skills (Mgr. Jiřina Bednářová)"

Prevention of specific learning and behavioral disorders at the beginning of school attendance. ( PhDr. Kamila Balharová )

Diagnosis and development of abilities in preschool-age children.(Mgr.Jiřina Bednářová )

Diagnosis of school readiness (Mgr. Jiřina Bednářová )

Test of the risk of reading and writing disorders for early school-age children ( PaedDr. Daniela Švancarová )

Speech and communication issues in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ( NAUTIS – PhDr. Kateřina Thorová, Ph.D. )

Family and a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – overview of therapeutic practice ( NAUTIS – Mgr. Miroslava Pravdová )

Sensory integration ( Mudr. Martin kučera )

EDASTIM – education and stimulation as support for school readiness (Mgr. Jiřina Bednářová)


Because the animal world has something to offer in special education too, together with a two-year-old female Golden Retriever named Andělka, we form a canistherapy team and are proud members of CANISTHERAPY charitable fund.

Last but not least, I am a mother of 3 daughters, who are an endless source of not only pedagogical inspiration but also challenges for me.

Velmi ráda se budu věnovat i vašim dětem a pomohu jim na jejich osobní cestě vzděláváním. Práce s dětmi je pro mne zdrojem radosti a pocitu smysluplného naplnění. Souzním s přístupem, který druhým dává dostatek prostoru a respektuje jejich jedinečnost.

When communicating with children, I strive for creating a harmonious environment. Recognizing a weak spot is not a goal for me, but rather the beginning of an opportunity to help the child support their weakened area so that they don't have to experience a sense of failure and disappointment.

A special teacher is here for your children . . .

  • from 3 years old and up.
  • for preschool-aged children or those with delayed school enrollment as part of preparation for the 1st grade.
  • with the aim of stimulation and prevention of learning and behavioral disorders.
  • as a means of personal development (development of attention, internal motivation, and self-confidence, skill in dealing with mistakes, using effective problem-solving strategies, development of emotional intelligence, organization, and planning).
  • for children from a foreign language environment (strengthening language sensitivity).
  • for children whose parents are dyslexic.
  • for children with neurodevelopmental disorders (ASD, intellectual disability, communication disorders such as speech development difficulties, ADHD/ADD, specific learning disorders, motor disorders).
  • for school children who struggle with reading in the early years of school attendance.
  • for children with difficulties in the social domain.
  • for gifted children.
  • and others 

+420 602 552 839